
Showing posts from March, 2020

Peas, Parsley, Pansies, and Petunias

We have an unofficial gardening group at Keene State we call the Garden Owls. This group of students helps me out weekly in the greenhouse and in the courtyard garden. In late February they started seeds of parsley, pansies and petunias, and after the seeds had sprouted and showed their first true leaves, we separated them and moved them into six packs. These are some of my favorite spring plants here in cold New Hampshire, which is why we started them so early. I like to get them growing and into my pots, window boxes, and the garden as early as April. Our frost free date here isn't until the end of May, but these plants are really tough. Parsley seedlings These little parsley seedlings provide a bright spot of green right now. Parsley is an annual herb that can take temperatures down to 10 degrees. Parsley is a great source of flavonoids and antioxidants including vitamins C, K, and A. I can't wait to have fresh Tabbouleh! Viola bicolor , the American field pans

New Reality

I begin this Blog at a time when I am adjusting to a new reality, just like everyone else. Work from home? How do I do that? I have been the Biology Lab and Greenhouse Manager at Keene State College for 25 years. Now there are no Labs to manage, and I can't bring all of my plants home. Usually at this time of year I am in the greenhouse with students germinating thousands of seeds for the May plant sale. Many people on campus look forward to that sale, not least of all me! Tomatoes, peppers, kale, broccoli, lettuce, arugula, basil, zinnia, cosmos, marigold, sunflower, and many more all go out the greenhouse to home gardens where they produce the best fresh food there is. Here is a picture of the greenhouse from last year at this time - and today - All the tropical plants are huddled under the overhead sprinkler. It is an imperfect system, but better than nothing. Thankfully, as an essential worker, I will be able to come on campus once a week to water all t